2 Issues: typography.css custom styles & background video

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Loving this theme, and c5.7 now!
I do have 2 questions though:

1) typography.css
In legacy c5, I could add styles to this doc and they'd show up in the TinyMCE WYSIWIG. However, for this theme I've added some styles to the typography.less file in css/presets and they do not show in the Redactor WYSIWIG. Cleared cache to be sure. No dice. Not sure if this is a theme issue or just need to do it al little differently in c5.7 system. Any advice?

2) Background Videos:
Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this and background photos so easy to handle via Page Attributes. However, when I add a video, it shows full width, but the height is only like 100px. I've messed around with the CSS but couldn't get it to work. Screen shot attached. Any ideas on that?

Thanks in advance, nice work on this theme, best one I've ever worked with in c5.

1 Attachment

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