Change responsive settings

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Hi sebastienj,

Please could you help me change the display settings using the following:
portfolio project
page descriptions visible
custom template/vedana portfolio

I would like the iphone window size layout to stay fixed to the same display as when on a tablet size window. I have supplied image to explain.

Many thanks and loving the theme!

Might talk to you in the future about developing a new theme of this nature as I think there is a market for it. could use the bones of Vedana and adapt so that its quick and cost effective. your thoughts?

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

I will produce at the end of the month a update of Vedana with options to manage this kind of display options for page-list. Until it is not possible easily.

I would know you things about this new theme, perhaps by PM ?
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
OK thats cool!

One thing that I would love is if the top header was 'sticky' when scrolling.
See another site I created using 'Venture' theme as sticky header example:
deanhawthorn replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi sebastienj,

Regarding my first post (pasted below), just wondered if your update is available now for the page list display on iphone?

Thanks, Dean.

Please could you help me change the display settings using the following:
portfolio project
page descriptions visible
custom template/vedana portfolio

I would like the iphone window size layout to stay fixed to the same display as when on a tablet size window. I have supplied image to explain.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
The transition is not so pretty. I prefer Anitya :-)
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sorry i mixed Anitya and Vedana. I'm working on th new Anitya and Vedana will be available on first or middle of December.

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