Portfolio Slideshow is not shown

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i like to make a portfolio for photographer like on your demosite.
my problem is that if i use the style tag "Vedana Portfolio" everthing is fine,
but if i change the tag to "Vedana Portfolio Slideshow" all the pics gone?
It's only a white empty place. If i switch in the block to "Show Name" it display the
name, but no picture.

any clue?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
If you go on dashboard > thumbnails did you see a thumbnail type "tiny" ?
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, you don't have the last version of the theme, just update.
graphicm replied on at Permalink Reply
•) running on version 1.0

•) there is no > thumbnails under the dashboard, please give me a advice where i can find this point

buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I can replicate the same issue. And there is no 'tiny' thumbnail (see attachment).
Version 1.0 is the latest version according the add-on store, no possibility to update to 1.1

See my other post here:http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/themes/vedana/support/version-...
and here:

Maybe those are the same issue as this one?

@graphicm: You can find the thumbnail formats here:http://yourdomain/index.php/dashboard/system/files/thumbnails...
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, now the 1.2 is available and fix these issues

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