thbmatrix has posted 5 messages, been awarded 7 achievements and has accumulated 25 karma points since joining the community on Jan 8, 2016.

Bruno Moreira-Guedes

Bruno Moreira Guedes, 28 years, from Brazil. Studying Business Management, and I also have 8 years of experience in the field. I'm planning to move to the US after finishing my studies. I'm skilled in Management, Strategy and Finances. The languages I speak are Portuguese, English and Spanish, and I'm currently learning German and Arabic.

If you're starting a website, I can help you with internationalization, marketing strategy, content writing, etc.
Past Experience

12 years in the IT industry, 8 years in management field. I started in IT when I was 15 years old, working with hardware. Then I worked as system administrator when 18, and as software developer when 19. At 20 I've founded my own company with my partner, where I worked until 2015, when I retired for studying full time.


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Chapecó-Santa Catarina

+55 49 999356768
Current Specialties

Project Management
Strategic Consulting
Traditional Marketing


I have studied Information Systems between 2006 and 2008, when I've dropped out, and now I study Business Management at the Federal University of Southern Border, in Chapecó, Brazil. I'm benefiting from the college to 'review' my past experiences in a critical way, and rethink what I did when I was learning "in the field".

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