Taztak has posted 2 messages, been awarded 11 achievements and has accumulated 75 karma points since joining the community on Mar 13, 2011.

Terry Mitchell

My day job is operation of a family owned ranch. My night job is running a business that works for public schools and provides network administrative services. I have succeeded in installing Concret5 on an IIS7.5 Windows 7 server with the help of the knowledgeable people at Concrete5. Kudos to Andrew and FRZ.
Past Experience

20 years Network Administration for Schools.
Built sites and trained students but they graduate and you start all over. Been a rancher and original environmentalist all my life.


Have been known to hire teasips or Texas Tech graduates.


Taztak Services
690 Tequesquite Lane
Albert, New Mexico 87733
United States

Current Specialties

None Entered


BS Animal Science TAMU-College Station, a first wife, and 3 awesome children.

None Entered
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3rd Anniversary
4th Anniversary
5th Anniversary
6th Anniversary
7th Anniversary
8th Anniversary
9th Anniversary
10th Anniversary