5.5 translation

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I just wanted to let everyone know that we haven't forgotten about translating 5.5. Right now we are finishing up the big fixes for 5.5.1 and will have that released shortly. Then, when that is released and we are adding it to our automatic update, we will update the translation files on mygengo to contain the new strings (hopefully those in the the content XML files as well).

Mygengo isn't great - we know this. It has scalability issues and is a little clunky. Sometime this year we will transition to our own solution that will hopefully solve these issues and a number of others. You will hear about that here first, well in advance of it actually happening.

Thanks everyone!

MrLindau replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi! I'm new to Concrete5 and I just realized that version5.5 just gotten released. Have been trying to use the 542.po but that didn't work, now I understand why.

I guess apart from the instructions here

that you could rename the files on windows,
and then upload them to the server?

Best Regards
cali replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
hi andrew :)

i saw that i could'nt found the translation model (pot file) then i made it by myself.

two things, everthing is not translated (specially in the dashboard, and edit toolbar dropdon menu), execpt when you logout and login after new install (you have to go to the dashboard by the url as the toolbar has no texte.

I also see that the translation is breaking the edit toolbar. (already submited in bug tracker as i saw)

i also saw that many word are not took in care by gettext probably not in t() function.
EDIT: my bad, it's because the page name are defined in the content.xml file in install folder and not translated, like all the sample content, blocks name, and so on in their files.

here is the actual french translated file in attachment.

then i'll wait the 5.5.1 release to investigate.
marticps replied on at Permalink Reply
With the update of the strings in the new version, can you also update the other versions? (In my case, I have translated only the first version available in MyGengo, and the job of update manually the strings to the other versions is very heavy).

Thank You!
cali replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
here is a NON OFFICIAL .pot file from C5.5.0 just made to help you to update your poedit catalog from pot file.
PatrickHeck replied on at Permalink Reply
Does this include the strings that are added dynamically?
gour replied on at Permalink Reply
> Mygengo isn't great - we know this. It has scalability issues and is a little clunky.

Why not Transifex.net even as temporary solution?

It's much better and can easily connect with github.

Just put that b***y 5.5 *.pot in github's language folder.