Can't edit text in site footer

Hello - I'm trying to edit some text in the footer of a site. I did not build this site, and I haven't used Concrete5 before so I'm a total newbie. After poking around the dashboard for over an hour, I have no idea where to even look to edit this. When I inspect the text in Firebug, the text is inside of a div. But I can't find where to edit this div ANYWHERE!
<div id="footer" class="site-foot">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 col-md-push-8">
<div class="clearfix visible-xs"></div>
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-pull-4">
<span class="cities">BOSTON / ATLANTA / CHICAGO / LOS ANGELES</span>

I'm trying to change the cities above. Anyone who can point me in the right direction, thanks so much.

Kurtopsy replied on at Permalink Reply
There's a couple ways of editing on Concrete5. First, once your logged in as super user, you can go to the page you want to edit, and then click the pencil in the upper left corner, then click the area you want to edit. Or if it's hard-coded, you can edit them in the file. For instance, your footer content can be located in /application/themes/yourTheme/elements/footer.php
hmistler replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks - pardon my ignorance but I'm confused by the 'paths'. Where am I supposed to enter the '/application/themes/yourTheme/elements/footer.php' text? In my browser? I looked at the themes and the only theme I see is called Crystal Financial, which doesn't have a footer.php file. Has many other php files, but no footer. Thanks in advance for your help.
Kurtopsy replied on at Permalink Reply
That file path is located on the server in the directory you installed Concrete on. So with FTP or cPanel you can view or replace those files. I'm not familiar with that particular theme, but it has to have a footer.php. First step is to make a local directory of your site and connect to your server directory with FTP. Then you can edit your local directory and upload to the server.
hmistler replied on at Permalink Reply
That makes sense to me. Crystal Financial looks to be a custom theme. I'll get access to the cpanel, I should be able to figure it out from there. Thought I might be able to fix it using the editing tools, I was going crazy trying to figure that out. Thanks!
Kurtopsy replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem. Good luck!