Selected First Level in Navigation

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Hey there,

I just started with a project, I have a navigation with a first-level and a second-level navigation, and now I would like to make the menu show the second level once the first-level is clicked on. And at the same time, the first level should be selected and its contents shown. Anyone any idea how to do that?

So, if the user does click on a first-level menu-point
-->then the menu opens, shows the second-level menu-points, highlights the first-level menu-point that was just clicked and shows the contents of the first-level menu-point.

Thx a lot and greets.

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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ChrisWatterston replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm not 100% sure on what you are trying to achieve here? Any way you can explain this in more death or with pictures?

Thanks a lot,
Chris Watterston
theotty replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

thanks for the answer. OK, forget the thing above ;)

My problem now is that when I click on a menu-point on the first-level, not only this will be selected (via .nav-selected / .nav-path-selected), but the FIRST menu-point always stays selected. I have attached an image to show you. In the example, I have clicked on "tickets", but "actual" always stays selected.

So, I now have two menu-points selected. But I just want the current.

Thanks a lot. Curdin

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