Advanced Survey page formatting

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This is the first time we've used Advanced Survey design and I have to say I wasn't expecting to have major formatting problems, as indicated in the attached picture. Your current template limits the character length of a question or title as you call it to less than 20 characters wide and then puts the scoring mechanism, in this case stars next to the squashed question leaving two thirds of the page empty. There is no option on the Advance Survey forms setup screen to set the character width for the question or to put the scoring selector below the question. How do you change this? See attached picture.

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Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your question.

The good news is this is a simple CSS tweak to fix. The DIV elements around the questions are set to "120px". You can tweak the CSS code to make them "100%" width which will push the question below it.

Here's a screenshot of the outcome:

The code to edit is on line 13 of /packages/jb_survey/blocks/jb_survey/attributes/styles/form.css

You can either edit this CSS file or add an overriding piece of CSS code to your theme's CSS file (just use the "!important" declaration if you're familiar with CSS).

I hope this helps.

dwsteven replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the information. The problem is solved.
dwsteven replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the information, the problem is solved.

Dudley Stevenson
Author of “Marketing Direct: Breaking Through the Clutter”
445 Minnesota Street
Bremer Towers, Suite 1500
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Phone: (651) 315-7588
Fax: (866) 794-7314

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From: concrete5 Community []
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 12:16 PM
Subject: Advanced Survey page formatting : Support

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