Cropping restrictions

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Hi there,
I have added some custom crop sizes, but they do not always appear. I have pinpointed that this is to do with the original size of the image being edited. It must have a larger width and height than the largest length of the crop size.

As an example. I have a crop preset of 800x600 and I want to crop an image that is 800x700 down to that size. This should be fine as the crop shape will fit nicely into the original image. However this doesn't work, because the shortest length of my original image (600) is shorted than the longest length of my crop image (800)

Do you know how I would get around this restriction as it effects how useful this tool is in the situations where we want to use it?

Many thanks,


Type: Discussion
Status: New
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mbone99 replied on at Permalink Reply
There appears to be a problem with the logic Aviary uses to decide if the crop size should be available in the toolbar. Specifically, if the width or height of the image are greater than or equal to either leg of the crop size, that crop size isn't made available. Ideally, I think the logic should be to show a crop size if either leg is equal to the image width or height.

For example, with a 1000x800 image using these settings:

The 400x799 is available (you can swap it to 799x400 by clicking the <=> icon), but the 400x800 is not.

I've submitted a bug report to Aviary which you can view here:

If they provide a solution I'll implement into the add-on.


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