Hardcoding package into a theme?

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Hi there,

I love the package, great job and it works as expected. I was just wondering if it was possible to hardcode the package into a theme?

One other little question, I was wondering if it was possible to set the background colour while the image is loading. Currently it shows a white background until the image fades in over the top. I can't seem to find where to change this.

I'm a bit of a newbie and not sure how to formulate the code to make it happen.


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jgiovanni replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for the late reply, I just saw this post. It is possible when you make the theme a package, allowing to execute any function upon installation.

Thanks for pointing out the background color during transitions, I never really considered that. Well if you have access to the css you can change the background of the body by using:

or any color you prefer

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