How to pull in a responsive thumbnail

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Hi There,
Here's a good one to scratch your noggin over.

I used the block designer and conjunction with picturefill.js to create a block that pulls in different size images per media size. But a better way would be to pull in generated responsive thumbnails from the file manager. However, i'm completely stumped as to how to do that since the documentation on 5.7 in that area is pretty light.

So to clarify how would you make a block that:
1) Allows you to load an image (easy enough I know, use the image selector)
2) place that images generated thumbnails for a given size into the sourceset code
of the <picture> section.


Thanks, Ed

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
What HTML would you like as output? And what options should the "image" field type have added in your opinion? :)

Kind regards,


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