Batch uninstall of blocks

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As said in my review, an option to batch-uninstall all instances of a specific block would be really useful.

I understand there might be some edge-cases. For example:
1- too many blocks and the process times out
2- blocks inside stacks and having to check whether the stack has other block types in it or not and if not, also remove the stack from the page

Anyway, not in a hurry at all, just a nice to have kind of thing.

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

I've updated Block Finder with this option. You can check/tick the checkbox in front of a page/stack (or select all) and delete the instances. You can also include inactive intances (from previous version), to be sure to include all instances available. It will use the Block Type's delete function, so it will delete everything that it should (along with the versioning).

As you already got a license, you can just update. I did attach a price tag to the product though, because I'm getting 0 response and want to keep this thing going and updated. All other products that are paid products get this progression and keep getting updates, because people are involved, ask questions, mention feature requests et cetera. I want this to be one of them too. A product that keeps improving, keeps getting extras and more stuff. But since you already got it for your project, just hit update. I tried it out and it worked perfect.

Let me know if you have any questions/issues whatsoever!

Kind regards,

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
That's great. To be honest with all the huge add-ons you're delivering to the marketplace, I wonder how you even had to time to deal with this.

I slightly modified my review because the excerpt that was showing almost looked like I was questioning whether anybody actually needed it. Now it's obvious I mean everybody should use it.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, took me about a year this time haha. Mostly, I want to keep up-to-date with support tickets and issues from customers/downloaders. Stacking them up has no use for me nor the poster/customer. It's some sort of service in a way, to be on top of it. And of course, time is money, and if people get things for free they mostly just don't comment on anything (which is the case with this product). Shame actually, because I wanted this one to stay free.

Thanks for changing the review. Always helpful to have great reviews explaining why one should use an Add-On and in which scenarios.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
You know I have people asking me for support sometimes for my add-ons who don't leave reviews.

I just dealt with someone who bought the add-on almost a year ago. What she wanted support on was cosmetic changes, nothing to do with an issue or anything. She just didn't have the basic skills to modify anything although she's a designer.

SO obviously, I didn't have to provide support. But I did anyway.

There was plenty of back and forth and every time she would answer my messages right away. In a matter of minutes or a few hours.

When she was happy with the result I asked if she could leave a review. She didn't even answer. Nothing, not a word, not a reaction and obviously no review.

Some people are just like that, nothing you can do about it.

So anyway, what I mean is, if you're not going to have the reviews, you might as well get the money :)
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Nothing we can do about that indeed. I just hope this way people get more involved with the product(s) they download/use. Be part of it and get it developed further and things like that. Getting only 1 response/feature request is "a bit" disappointing.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, wish you the best of luck. Let us know if you find out anything interesting about C5 consumers behaviour :)

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