Darker background overlay

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Just wondering if its possible to make the background page overlay darker. Looked through some of the files but can't seem to find it.


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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The lightbox images are in /packages/deluxe_image_gallery/blocks/deluxe_image_gallery/fancybox/images/

Note that you may also need to tweak the styles in /packages/deluxe_image_gallery/blocks/deluxe_image_gallery/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.1.css

If you require more assistance customizing the lightbox, there's a google group for it here:

Good luck, and let me know if there's anything else I can answer for you or help with.

okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
I think what Karl meant was the opacity defined in the file jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js. Can that file be overridden by being placed as a modified copy in a custom template folder?
So far it seems that i have no luck while trying this out...

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Ahh, perhaps I misunderstood. If you mean the opacity of the overlay that makes the rest of the page darker (that is, everything except the lightbox itself), there are two options you can pass into the fancybox init code, down near the bottom of packages/deluxe_image_gallery/blocks/deluxe_image_gallery/view.php:


(seehttp://fancybox.net/api for details on the values you can set).

Let me know if you need assistance figuring out how to get these into the template.

okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the hint, but i can't find 'overlayOpacity' and
'overlayColor' in view.php...

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Around line #47, you'll find this:
'titlePosition' : '<?php echo $lightboxTitlePosition; ?>',

Insert a new line below that and add these two new lines:
'overlayOpacity' : 0.3, //<--number from 0 to 1
'overlayColor' : '#666', //<--hex color code
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, i was too stupid to realize that i had to insert it...
Great, now i'm able to create custom templates to provide exactly the look and functionality that i need.

Thank you so much!


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