Check box

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hi jordan! love your addon! the best at the marketplace!

Right now there is a "[dropdown List]" but i need a checkbox for my project, will this feature be addet in later version og designer content? if not can u poit me in the right direction, maybe by addeing a code to put inside the edit.php files? se attached picture so u can se what i mean;-)

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I have no plans to add a checkbox feature to Designer Content. Having fields in Designer Content is not really something I want to do too much of because it gives people the wrong impression about what its purpose is (I ran into this problem a lot during beta testing a while back because people thought it was like a form builder, even though there were no form fields in it).

Customizing it to have a checkbox field though should not be too difficult. Normally I'd be happy to help you with the code, but I'm in the middle of a cross-country move and won't be able to do such things for another couple of weeks. You might want to post on the general "Building With Concrete5" forum and ask for help there (let them know you asked me already and that I didn't have availability -- otherwise some smart-alecks might just tell you to come here and ask like you already did).

Sorry I can't be of more help right now. Best of luck.

mikefatty replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordan

Thx for the reply, i asked in the forum but got no answer, so when u got more time on u hands in the near feature i hope u can tell me how to do it;-) designer content is the bedst ADD on for C5!

Ps. is there at easy way to sort the block? lets say if i have like 20 block (made with designer content) and what to sort bween the names, its there a way to do that? :-)
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever figure out the checkbox thing?

As for sorting the blocks in the list, that is a feature I've been trying to get into the C5 system for a while now. Last I heard they will finally include it in the next release (Concrete version 5.5.2).
mikefatty replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi jordan!

Thx for u reply, no didn't figure it out yet:( i need the same thing as John, and like u said a drop down will do the trick, but i want to make it more user friendly (a quicker view for the user so i don't have 4 differnt dropdown menus). I really hope i will find a way to deal with it:)

And for the sorting SWEET!!! cant wait!
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry guys, I just don't have time to do a step-by-step here. I'll add it to my todo list though and hopefully can write up a blog post or something that explains it (maybe next week? Maybe the week after?).
If you need immediate assistance, try posting the question to the normal "Building with Concrete5" forums. Be as specific as possible in your question. And tell them you already asked me but I didn't have time (otherwise some snarky person will just tell you to come back here).
arrestingdevelopment replied on at Permalink Reply
Puh-lease! No apologies necessary, Jordan! As you've mentioned, a select box with two options works in this situation like 99.44% of the time (little Ivory soap purity reference there, LOL!). So a checkbox is totally a "fluff" feature. No worries.

That being said... it WOULD be great to see it as a feature in an upcoming release of Designer Content. ;) Consider this thread a "Feature Request"... where at least 2 Designer Content users have a use for it. LOL!
arrestingdevelopment replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah Mike... I'd be interested in knowing if you ever got this figured out... and how. I have a situation where I need to do the same thing: add a checkbox value to a Designer Content block I'm creating so that I can toggle a lightbox effect on/off in the view.php... but I can't quite figure out the "How".


- John
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you considered just using a dropdown menu with "on" and "off" choices?
arrestingdevelopment replied on at Permalink Reply

Yeah... I'm saving that as a fallback, since it would provide the same functionality. I just like the "simplicity" of a checkbox for simple On/Off option selection. But, you're TOTALLY right... a two-option select box would work the same.


- John

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