Editing only variables in an html block

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I wondering if Designer Content or Block Wrapper or something can be used to display an affiliate banner i.e.

<a href="http://site/scripts/click.php?a_aid=007&a_bid=d2d83f7d&desturl=http%3A%2F%2Fsite%2Fstore%2F" target="_blank"><img src="http://site/accounts/default1/banners/d2d83f7d.gif" alt="" title="" width="728" height="90" /></a><img style="border:0" src="http://site/scripts/imp.php?a_aid=007&a_bid=d2d83f7d" width="1" height="1" alt="" />

and make the "007" above editable, for those with permissions,(in one or both occurrences), but only that. So the only variable is the 007, editable in a block, and nobody without permissions can see or edit the rest.

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure, just make a block with one text field (for the number). Then put the surrounding link stuff as part of the wrapper HTML (or edit the block's view.php file accordingly after you've generated the block).

So you'd have the starting wrapper be "<a href="http://whatever.com/?blahblahblhablah&a_id=" , then the ending wrapper would be "&a_bid=d2d83fetcetcetc...". The text field itself would be for the "007".

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