Feature suggestion: Child items

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Hey Jordan!

Nice plugin, especially for learning block development in concrete5.

Do have plans to extend this plugin? I think the possibility to add child-items to a block would be a really great improvement to designer content, because this is one of the most common use cases (e.g. image slider, sound player, etc). Right now I think it would be easy for me to add this functionality on my own, but it's not on my high priority list. ;) Just wanted to tell you.


Type: Discussion
Status: New
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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Matthias,
Thanks for the suggestion. I do not have plans to extend Designer Content in the way you suggest. The problem is that the front-end code is so different and usually more complex for things like slideshows that it really can't be automatically generated. My vision for this addon is to produce finished, usable blocks -- not just starting points for continued development (I was hesitant to add the dropdown menu field for this reason, but too many people asked for it and it only requires minimal front-end code tweaking).

I do, however, have another project called "Designer Gallery", which is a combination of boilerplate code and a detailed walk-through on how to create your own slideshow addon. It could be modified to work with other kinds of child items as well (it basically just lets you choose a File Set, so "child items" are really managed via the File Manager):
programmieraffe replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Jordan!

Thanks for the detailed answer! I understand the goal to let it simple. I had something like "developer content" in mind as a start point for simple block development for developers, because for the last projects I needed almost every time a block with child-items, which were a combination of different field types (image/text/link/file). I can easily copy/paste my own boilerplate block for such cases and replace just the blockName and entities, but I have a designer colleague who has a modx-background (but no php knowledge) and he would like to create simple blocks with child-items on his own, which I could edit afterwards for more/complex functionality. But I will also show him your great tutorial.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, this would be a great thing to have. You should take what you've got and put it up on github so people can use it and improve it perhaps. That would be useful to a lot of people I think!


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