FilePathDirect behaviour in the File Uploader field...

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Hello again, Jordan.

How do you get your File Uploader field to open a file directly in the browser...the same as if it were a link in the WYSIWYG field with the FilePath changed to FilePathDirect?

I thank you again for your help.


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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
That's a default C5 behaviour. If you want a particular link to open inline, I think you need to edit the view.php file of the block *after* you've created it with Designer Content.
Edit that view.php file and find any lines like this:
<a href="<?php  echo View::url('/download_file', $field_1_file_fID, Page::getCurrentPage()->getCollectionID()); ?>" class="file-<?php  echo $field_1_file->getExtension(); ?>">

...and change this part:
View::url('/download_file', ...

to this:
View::url('/download_file/view_inline', ...

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