Style not working in edit mode

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First of all, Thanks for a great add-on (Designer Content).

I got a little problem, at least I hope its little.

I created a new block and it works just fine. But when I go in to edit mode the text losses all its styling.

I have a class that is set to a surrounding <p> but when I look at the code with Firebug I see that the containing text is surrounded with two <div>-taggs. So the class style isn't working anymore.

Original code:
<p class="flow-text flow-small">
<a href="" target="_self">Page name</a>

Editor mode code:
<p class="flow-text flow-small"/>
<div id="a249" cid="179" handle="1" class="ccm-area ccm-area-move-enabled">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var ccm_menuObj83249 = {};
ccm_menuObj83249.type = "BLOCK";
ccm_menuObj83249.arHandle = '1';
ccm_menuObj83249.aID = 249;
ccm_menuObj83249.bID = 83;
ccm_menuObj83249.cID = 179;
ccm_menuObj83249.canWrite =true;
   ccm_menuObj83249.hasEditDialog = true;
ccm_menuObj83249.btName = "Text";
ccm_menuObj83249.width = 700;

Any ideas how I can get around this?

Mr Lindau

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The <div> that gets put around everything in edit mode is the red dotted line that Concrete5 surrounds each block with (the one you can click on to get the popup menu of edit options). If your blocks are getting improperly styled due to this surrounding div, it probably means your CSS is being too general and has styles for those divs. You're going to need to inspect the styles that are applied to the block via your browsers Web Developer tools, and see which CSS selectors are being applied, then alter your CSS to be more specific to just the block's markup (not C5's red dotted line div).

Best of luck!


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