Price on Application

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Hi JZ,

Quick question: Some of my products are 'Price on Application'.

For the moment I have entered nothing into the price field and it displays as £0.00. This means a customer could buy something for free?!

Is there a work around for this please?


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ian,

What do you mean by "Price on Application"?

igrieves replied on at Permalink Reply
They don't want publish a price on the shop, just to show the product and get visitors to call as the products need to be specified.

You see POA on shops quite regularly. Can you do this on Ecom express or is there a work around?

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ian,

I see. Can't that be done through checking out and manually checking the transactions? Or do your stores send the products automatically?

igrieves replied on at Permalink Reply
This approach I think assumes a price is input into the system. If an order is made then a PayPal transaction is completed and I assume cannot be amended after any discussions had after the order is placed?
igrieves replied on at Permalink Reply
It seems trying to buy an item for £0.00 will not go through either via Paypal or via Paypal credit card option. This would prevent a sale and encourage a call?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think so. It maybe because Paypal is considering the purchase not a purchase at all as they get a fee from every amount that is used. For this one I'm thinking it's not under their policy. So it is a limitation with Paypal. If you want the free feature with ecom then we can do a paid customisation with you. I'm estimating it would take 0.75 hour @ $90/hr.

igrieves replied on at Permalink Reply
My point was inputing zero prices stops a purchase for whatever reason (probably no fee as you said) stopping a free sale and making the customer call as requested. I'll see if this works for the customer if thats OK. Thanks for the offer though. I'll get back to you.

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