Shopping basket/ check out looks squished

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Liking the add-on but the cart looks squashed and bait naff any ideas?
I'm using theme Urban form Formiago which might be the issue and ways around this?

While I'm here is is possible to turn off and turn on products in the 'eCommerce Express Bulk Product Manager'?

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

That is the basic look of the cart. If you need more styling you can do it via CSS or if you want we can offer you a paid customisation @ $90/hr. Just let us know if you want to proceed. Regarding disabling the product I'll get back to you on that.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
As of the moment there is no way to disable a product in the Bulk Product Manager. However, there is a work around on what you want to achieve. You can put the products in certain categories and display which categories you want shown in your block. So if you want certain items not to be shown you can put them in a different category or perhaps "disabled" category to hide them from your official list. Or we can customise it for you at a discounted price of $45 with the agreement that we roll over this feature in the next releases.

dynamojim replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks JZ - I'll have play with the CSS and the enabling / disable with labels - it's only for my Boy Scout Group mini shop for membership/camp fees etc - I'll have no hang ups if introduce in your next upgrade
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

If that CSS modification does not work for you. Just let me know the email address where you want the invoice to be sent to. So we can proceed and send you the customised version. Also once installed it will be upgradeable to future releases. So no worries on having your copy discontinued.


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