Having trouble getting shipping for 0oz items

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For starters, great add-on!

Ok: I have shipping set up to calculate by oz. But out of 40 products I have 3-4 that hardly weight anything at all. I get this message during checkout:

You must specify a shipping method.
Shipping Method

Shipping is Unavailable.

How do I charge a basic shipping cost to the 0oz items no matter how many they choose to buy (and without charging extra for those items that actually have a weight). If they only bought 0oz items, I would still need the option of next day, second day, ect.
I even tried assigning grams which still doesn't seem to work.
*I know they weight "something" and if someone buys 10 or 20 it will add up to weight more. What is the best way to go about this?
I thought about a minimum purchase # of the item and assigning it 2oz (1oz seems to give the same error message).

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