permission for user or group to create page when adding product

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Hi there, I'm trying to get the permission sorted fora group (sub admin) to add products...

I have successfully got the permissions to allow them to add the product, but the page creation is still a bit sticky...

Basically, I've allowed 'add pages' permissions in 'task permissions' and 'sitemap' etc, but when the user clicks 'add' in the 'add product' page, the folder structure isn't showing up when promted in the 'Create a Product Page' popup...

I've tinkered with the permissions in sitemap but just can't get my head 'round it

I'm obviously missing something rather obvious

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
Make sure that the product parent page or the site homepage allows the group to add subpages.

Best wishes,
rc255 replied on at Permalink Reply
Brilliant, thanks again Korvin!

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# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
Bootswatch (0.9.1), CoolInput Search (1.0), eCommerce (2.8.12), eCommerce - Special Instructions (, eCommerce Product Slider (1.1.4), eCommerce Stock Controlled Product Attribute (1.0), Facebook Comments (0.1), Fancy Image Links (1.3.7), Login (1.1.1), Manage eCommerce Product Toolbar Button (0.9.1), PHP block by ND (1.0).

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blocks/image, blocks/product_list, blocks/product, blocks/page_list, blocks/reviews, elements/profile, themes/bluecustard

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# Server API

# PHP Version

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