"*Required field" message not displaying

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How to display a message for *required fields at the bottom of the form (or somewhere on the form)?

Is there a way to display that text automatically (if I create add *required items to my extended form)?

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DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Open the file survey.php in the models directory of the addon.

Go to line 260 and add the following above the submit button content...

echo '<div class="formBlockSurveyRow">'."\n";
echo '<div class="formBlockSurveyCell question"></div>'."\n";
echo '<div class="formBlockSurveyCell answer">'.t('*) Required fields').'</div>';
echo '</div>'."\n\r";

Save and upload!


invision replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you planning to add this to the next update? I don't want to mess with core code if I don't have to.

I ended up just adding a text item to the bottom of the form block with that text on it.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure! I'll change this with the next update.

Thank you...

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