General Usage

Getting Started

If you wish to accept payments for products and subscriptions, you will need to set up a PayPal account.

Your PayPal email can be set in the dashboard, which will automatically pre-populate the Paypal email field in the EZ Product, EZ Subscribe, and EZ Cart blocks. 

Global Settings

As of EZ Product 1.3, there are some new global default settings that can be applied via the dashboard page. 

  • Currency Code & Symbol - Setting these will apply to override all front-end block currency settings. To set currency manually per block, select "not set". 
  • Weight Unit - Select a weight unit to apply it globally, or do not set one to manually select a weight unit on a per-block basis.
  • Cart Handling Fee - This will apply a cart-wide handling fee (ex. 9.95). Leave blank for no additional handling fee.

Save Some Notes

For your own reference, you can save some custom notes in the dashboard, which are displayed in the "Help" tab for the EZ Product and EZ Subscribe blocks. 

Selling Products: Buy Now vs Add to Cart vs Catalog

The EZ Product block has three product type modes: Buy Now, Add to Cart, and Catalog.

  • Buy Now - Choose this if you want to sell an individual product via Paypal
  • Add to Cart - The product can be added to the Paypal shopping cart
  • Catalog - Simply display product information, but don't allow purchase via Paypal

Link to View Cart

Use the EZ Cart block to create a "view cart" or "checkout" button. This simply links users to the Paypal cart, where they can view the items in their cart and choose to continue to checkout, or return to your site to continue shopping.

Selling Subscriptions

The EZ Subscribe block allows you to create a Paypal subscription, which has support for recurring billing. Please note that this does NOT create paid memberships on your Concrete5 site! 

Two trial periods can be set, each with their own prices. For a FREE trial, enter "0". 

Set a Business Logo for PayPal Subscription Checkout Page

Paypal allows you to display a custom logo on the checkout page for subscriptions. It is recommended to use a 150 x 50px logo, although any size will work. 

Simply copy and paste the logo URL into the EZ Product dashboard. Upload a logo via the dashboard File Manager, then use the Properties to get the URL and copy it to the EZ Product dashboard.

Establish Trust

The EZ Cards block allows you to establish trust with customers by displaying credit card icons and a PayPal badge. You can add as many of them to a page as you like, in any combination.