

You will need to create a Facebook Application for your website at  This provides an Application ID which is required by the Block to interface with Facebook.

Most of the settings in the Application setup are not required, however you will need to give your application a name (generally the same as your website) and provide the details of where your site is located (the Site URL).

You will also need your Numeric Facebook ID which you can find at, you can also find your Facbook id by visiting”your account”

*Only works with Facebook Fan Pages, Does Not Display public videos from Personal Profiles.

The main differences between pages and profiles:

  • On a profile, someone is your “friend.” On a page, someone is your “fan.”
  • With a profile, you can send messages to one or more friends, that go directly to their inbox on Facebook. As a page, you can’t do this–you can only send updates (which not as many people see).
  • Pages and Profiles can both post status updates, links, photos, etc. that appear in their fans’/friends’ news feeds.
  • Pages cannot “add” people as friends. However, your fans can suggest your page to their own friends to become a fan.
  • Cover photos, profile pictures, photos, albums, number of freinds, and most of the other personal information is not openly visible eto the public on a 'profile' without the usre granting access, whereby most info is visble to the public on a public 'Fan Page'

Adding the Block

When adding the block to a page, you will need to provide your App ID, App Secret and Numeric Facebook ID.

Setting the number of videos per page will change the number of videos displayed before the pagination displays, setting this number higher than the number of videos in your album will hide the pagination.

Setting 'Show Titles' to No, will hide the video title.

Leaving the 'Truncate Titles' filed blank will display the full title.

Setting 'Show Video Length' to No will hide the video length.