Set field names ?

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I need to set fixed names for each field as I intercept the form submission to notify a Saleforce endpoint. Now it is possible to sort of derive the names from the labels ( Label "Test" leads to something like name "test_7" ), but this adds another dependency which makes it shaky. Any ideas?

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DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm just back from a long holiday so thats why I didn't / couldn't respond.

The idea with that is that the label is a combination of the label of the field with its unique ID. So it's not that shaky, but I know what you mean.

There is no easy solution for this, unless you use the "shaky" option.
You can try adding a code block in the form. The code also accepts javascript. With little jquery you should me able to set the default values.

I'm currently working on a major update, this is one issue that is in this update. Sadly I can't give you a respectable time frame.



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