Unable to add row to bottom of form

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So I am build a form to test the ability of Formidable for a new client, and I got about half way when every time I go to add a new row at the bottom, it wants to add a column to one of the previous rows. My form is made up of a mix of one column and two column rows, which I imagine shouldn't be a problem. You can view the working site below. Thanks.


Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry to reply so late!
Still having problems???


TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
I was never able to work around it, so I had to move to another addon. However, I still would like to figure out a way to remedy the problem. I no longer have your addon installed, but I could add it back and try to repeat the process. It would be worth while, because I like the way your addon works. Is there a limitation to the number of rows you can add to a form?
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you for the reply. If you have time and are willing to help out I would appreciate it.
Let me know the steps so I can try to reproduce.

There should be no limit to the number of rows. As long it's below 2147483648 rows :)


TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
This is what I am attempting to reproduce online.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Oef! That's a big one...
I see some items that could/should be asked different when build in Formidable. But it shouldn't be a problem to add this many rows in the form...

What would you like me to do?


TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want to comment the PDF, then I could use that info to try rebuilding the form.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Fixed the issue in the last update.
I will update later today.



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