Just wondering

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The group I am involved with are setting up guided historical tours. Originally we thought of getting visitors to book a date they wanted a tour and, for that, the form works fine. Is there anyway to set this up do that visitors would need to select from a list of available tours and that they could sign up for one that suited - we would have better control and we can specify maximum and minimum numbers that can be catered for.
Would this mean a major overhaul/addition of the existing add-on? Would it better to look at another solution?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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phatworks replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you use a Select box field for the tour choice?
mostrim replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi sorry for not replying sooner - A select box isn't flexible enough I need to be able to allow ten single people or five couples or a full bus load of people (or any variations of 10 to 40 people) to be able to book a tour from a selection of dates, to be able to cancel if they wish, to see what's available when. Maybe some future version of your add-on will have these things:-)

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