Paypal subscription issue

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I own a license for this component and wanted to submit a ticket but was only offered the discussion option. Please let me know how to submit a formal ticket. Meanwhile problem is this.

A simple form with open payment amount returns this error from PayPal:

Invalid Regular period. You must specify valid values for the A3, P3, and T3 parameters for a subscription.

This should not apply since the payment is for a one time donation and not a subscription at all. I did not see any way to specify this on the form settings.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
phatworks replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, would you mind PM'ing me a login to see/edit a demo page?
tsorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, what does PM'ing mean? Do you mean our admin login?
mamabear replied on at Permalink Reply
PM'ing means "private message" me.
tsorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
Extremely frustrated with your lack of response. I inherited this site from a previous admin who installed the component and I may be missing some information. Your response of PM means "private message" is not helpful. Does "private message" refer to a feature on the support site? How do I do it. Should I submit my requests in another fashion? What am I supposed to do here!

(Duplicating this post in case I am replying in the wrong place)
tsorelle replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I'm experiencing an additional problem. Some forms succeed in forwarding to PayPal but do not add the submission to the database or send emails. I sent up an additional test for to test this. It is set to sandbox mode.

Attached screen shot file to demonstrate settings.
tsorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
Having checked the database I see that the form information is added to the tables. But they will not display on the report page.
tsorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
Still awaiting your reply to my posts.
tsorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
Extremely frustrated with your lack of response. I inherited this site from a previous admin who installed the component and I may be missing some information. Your response of PM means "private message" is not helpful. Does "private message" refer to a feature on the support site? How do I do it. Should I submit my requests in another fashion? What am I supposed to do here!
tsorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
I resolved this issue myself with considerable debugging efforts.

The problem we were experiencing in the ipn_listener.php script was due to the incorrect use of the mysql_real_escape_string() function.



The first example was failing with a database connection error because, without the second parameter it was using default credentials to attempt the connection. In our case these default credentials were no longer valid,

See description of link_identifier parameter in

I am not really comfortable with this fix since the mysql_real_escape_string is now deprecated in PHP. I'm also unsure about the security of referencing the database constants in a /tools script. If you can recommend a better solution, please do.

This accounts for the database issues. I'm still looking at the 'subscription' issue, which may be unrelated. If I have further issues with that I'll open a new thread.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
Autonav Exclude Subpages (1.2), Content Around Image (1.23), creativity theme (1.2), Cu3er Slideshow (1.2), Ecommerce Express (1.5.9), Flickrcrete (1.0.8), Flickr Photos (1.2.1), Forms With PayPal Payment (2.0.6), Galleria image gallery (2.0), Global Areas (1.0), Google Docs Viewer (1.0), Google Picasa Albums (2.5.2), googlesearch (1.1), Image Banner (0.9.3), Music (1.0.4), Sortable Fancybox Gallery (1.17), Superfish (1.1.5), tnSpacer (1.3), Tweeter (1.0.13).

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# concrete5 Cache Settings
Block Cache - On
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Full Page Caching - Off

# Server Software

# Server API

# PHP Version

# PHP Extensions
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# PHP Settings
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suhosin.request.max_vars - 1000
suhosin.session.max_id_length - 128
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