How to show HOME button when using internationalization

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When you have different languages and using the multilingual addon you have a different navigation with every language. If you check the demo from Concrete of the multilingual block there's also no homepage link in the pagelist.

If i use the auto-nav and choose all the pages beneath a particular page (the homepage of the language) the home button will not be included. When i use the language switcher that comes with the package it does link to this homepage so i cannot ignore this page by just adding another homepage in the tree of the language.

The only solution i could think of right now is to change the template of my auto-nav so that is does include the homepage in the menu, but this is dirty and not handy if i have to do this over and over again.

Maybe i'm completely missing something here and i'm thinking the wrong way.

Anybody has another solution for this?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
This is still a hack perhaps, but less so and less annoying than doing a template. You can make an "external link" in your sitemap that goes to the root of your site. Then you can have it at least represented in your sitemap and the title of the link is translatable.
imeos replied on at Permalink Reply
I did that too, but it's slightly annoying that you have to do so in order to get the same menu you had before using this Add-On.
Or are we still missing something?
julia replied on at Permalink Reply
We understand how that can be frustrating and will consider changing this for our next update of the internationalization add-on. In the meantime, you'll need to use the manual solution that Greg suggested.
SigmaAlphaPi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey there,

I think it's not the "internationalization" addon, that's the problem. but the way the auto-nav seems to work.

When adding it on root level, it includes the root node and then adds the pages beneath that root node as pages. However, that 'root' node is ignored, as soon as you're choosing another level.

The root node of a language would be the page, the language was assigned to.

And that's IMHO not an issue of the addon, but of the navigation solution C5 provides.

Or do I mistake here?

MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Sven,

The Autonav block uses the Sitemap's structure. If you tell it to begin at "Home" (the top of the Sitemap), it will start on that page regardless of the homepage for set for a particular language or locale.

If you have an Autonav block on a specific language's home page, you might set it to "Display Pages: At the level below", depending on how you'd like it to behave.
SigmaAlphaPi replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Ok, let's see. Assuming we have the following page structure (sitemap):

- C5 Home
-- EN Home
--- EN page1
--- EN page2
-- DE Home
--- DE page1
--- DE page2
-- RU Home
--- RU page1
--- RU page2

When I'm adding the auto-nav block to 'display pages' from the top level, I get a navigation menu including [ C5 Home, EN Home, DE Home, RU Home ]. So in this case the root node (C5 Home) is shown.

When I'm in one of the lang branches, let's take the EN branch, and would like to add just the same for the page structure in the one lang, I've to add the auto-nav block to 'display pages' at the second level. At least that would make sense to me. But - and as I stated, that's not just when using this addon - when doing so, I get the following navigation menu [ EN page1, EN page2 ]. So the root node of this branch, being "EN Home" will not show up. No matter what you (or at least I) try.

The only way to go around that at the moment, as stated here in this thread, is to add an external link in the sitemap, with a local link target. That makes the navigation complete but raises the problem of the not active menu entry when on a lang's home page.

So somehow the auto-nav block seems to add the root, when it's the sitemap's root, but leaving it out, when it's a branch's root.

I'm adding a screen from my local C5 playground where I'm playing with the internationalization at the moment.
gyllstrom replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a simple "hack" to make that external link show up as the selected page in the menu when you are visiting it?
julia replied on at Permalink Reply
Yep. Make an "external link" in your sitemap.
gyllstrom replied on at Permalink Reply
I have an external link, and I want that external link to show up as selected in the auto-nav when you are visiting it (just as any other non-external page would)
GregJoyce replied on at Permalink Reply
You have a couple options here.

You can create a template for the auto-nav that is going to always include a "home" link at the front, with the nav-selected state on. Then you would only use this template on your home page.

Alternatively, on you home page, you could remove the autonav entirely and add an HTML block instead by doing a view-source on a page that is in a "nav-selected" state. Then just copy the navigation into the block and move the "selected" class over to the "Home" link.
weblicious replied on at Permalink Reply

here's my little trick to have a nice menu bar with selected item.

Make an external link to reach your home page.
In the home page, set the "Header Menu" custom template to the auto-nav.
In the other pages leave the auto-nav template unchanged.

This will set a '.first' class to your first item in the menu, actually "HOME".

Then in your CSS file, give the same style as ".nav-selected" to ".first".
Now your home page first item "HOME" is selected.

Works for me =)

NickKN replied on at Permalink Reply
This is my current offering on the subject
I think it needs refining.
Basically, as things stand you have to tell virtually every element that it is part of a multilingual site and give it the means of knowing which section it is in...

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