multilingual Sitemap.xml bug

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This is on the Bug report but I'm hoping someone here has a work around.
The current multilingual sitemap (Internationization ver. 1.2)enters massive entry duplication.
I just took a physical look, comparing both types of Concrete sitemap.xml created. The standard sitemap.xml used 1,125 lines to record the 187 pages of my site. The multilingual one used 129,795 lines to record the same pages ( should have been around 1686 lines? )
My site has three languages. After "Home" the next page recorded is /en/About. This entry is recorded 186 different times in the multilingual sitemap.
It appears the job records the path (all pages leading up to on the site tree) of each url instead of just the unique url... therefore making the first on the tree ( about ) recorded the most and the last URL on my tree recorded only once... and each URL between being duplicated in descending amounts

I'm looking for a solution but haven't any practical experience in Sitemap generation :(



(As a manual fix, I ran the sitemap job, downloaded the .xml to edit, deleted 128,347 lines - keeping the end/last series of pages... saved & uploaded... all is well with webmaster tools processing it now)

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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busters replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the same problem.

Is there any solution in sight for this quite troublesome bug?
Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Busters,
Can you attach an example sitemap?

Best wishes,
kaladron replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm seeing this as well for I can't attach the sitemap.xml file (I get a note that it has an invalid extension) has it, though. It's 12MB (for a ~200-page site).

If you'd like me to zip it and upload it, I can do that too.
kaladron replied on at Permalink Reply
NM, looks like it's fixed in git (but not released):

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