Couple Suggestions

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First off, let me just start by saying that this add-on is great, and is the only one that has even come close to what we were needing for our site. On top of that, the support has been fantastic. Very quick, professional, and helpful.

There are just a couple features that, if they were added, would make this perfect for our specific membership site, and I'm sure they would be useful for others as well. I have suggested a couple of these before, and I'm not trying to be pushy, I would just like to suggest them again, just in case they got lost in limbo (I know it happens when you're juggling a lot).

1. The ability to add a user to a group once their membership has expired, such as a "Product one - expired" group, which would give the ability to use Advanced Permissions to show a block for a "Renew" link to that specific group, for example.

2. The ability to choose to remove users from all groups and then put them into the specified group upon purchase. Take the following scenario:

- User registers for a membership which consists of a course that they have 3 months to complete it.
- User completes course in less than 3 months.
- User signs up for next course, but is still in the group from the previous course, and therefore still has access to all the material from the previous course.
-- Implementing the above suggestion would fix this (if my thinking is correct).

If these were implemented, it would be the last things (that I could think of) that would make this the perfect membership add-on for what we are looking for.

Again, not trying to be pushy in this, we are already very grateful for the current functionality and support that has already been given.


Type: Discussion
Status: New
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jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply

1. This makes sense and is straightforward. It seems a bit advanced (useful for you guys, not for many others)... but wouldn't be hard to do.

2. This is a bit more complex and has a lot of corner edge cases that I mused upon the last time you asked for this. Now that you've had some time to use it and understand it, I'd like you to propose how you think this should work.

The primary problem is that, at the core, it's a lot more than putting someone into and removing them from groups. There's the underlying concept of a membership. However, the membership doesn't necessarily have a date... that's tied to the individual groups. So if the product has a duration of 1 year, and it places the user into "course a" and "course b" groups, and the user is already in "course a" for the next 2 months, then the user is now in "course a" for 5 months and "course b" for 3. The user might also be in some particular group for a duration, or permanently.... And, in the background, you've got some concept of expiry and renewal (which is hard because there's no set date... one reason why having recurring payments and even an email notice is so difficult).

So... what happens when you want to remove a user from a group that they're in permanently? That was purchased along with another group that they're in for a different period of time? What should happen to the underlying "subscription", insofar as furture renewals go? Should you remove the user from the group? Or the entire product? What kind of reporting should be done? Just a transaction for the "purchase"? Or some sort of update on the previous subscription?

I'm not trying to make a point... these are all questions I'm grappling with, and which don't have a clear enough answer to implement....
dsw528 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the response.

All of your points make sense, and I hadn't considered them.
Our membership site is built only upon 6-month recurring subscriptions, so my thinking hadn't gone beyond that point, but what you said makes sense, and I see why it would be difficult to implement.

The main thing I was thinking was making it a choice, like... maybe a checkbox somewhere in the Product Creation that says "Remove users from all other groups upon purchase?" or something like that. So it wouldn't be mandatory, and depending on if it's helpful for the admin to remove them from all groups, they have the option, or if they don't want to, they can just leave it unchecked.

If the second option can't be implemented, it shouldn't be a big deal. The first one was the main one that I was looking for, so I was glad to see that you said it shouldn't be hard to do. :)

Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated!

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