Version History

29/02/2016 - 0.9.4

Big corrections on /controllers/dashboard/pages/multi_theme.php


27/04/2013 - 0.9.3


Add new functionality: we can choose if the theme will be applyed to parent and children, only parent or only children pages



    add new column applyon



function inserir and function remover changed to work with new functionality



function setTheme changed to get applyon parameter and use it according to this hyerarchi: parent only is stronger, then children only, then children and parent



new field added to select where we have to apply theme change (parent and children, or parent, or children)






use DIR_PACKAGES to reference the package



function insert changed for inserir (because insert cause a bug of "page not found")

function remove changed for remover (to prevent possible future bugs like the "insert" bug)

functions inserir and remover

change the serialized data storage for database oriented storage



use "for" instead "while" to adequate to the array returned for the changes on controller