Avatar size?

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How can I change the size of the uploaded avatars?

ie. I have an image that is 200x200 px. When I upload it, it turns out to be 80x80 px.

Any help on figuring out how to change this?

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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wholeo replied on at Permalink Reply
define('AVATAR_WIDTH', 160);
define('AVATAR_HEIGHT', 160);

ChannelMarkerMedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Changing these defined variables allows me to upload a larger image in Edit User (dashboard), but it still displays as a small image on my PB post.

One way to fix this:

In /packages/problog/helpers/blogify.php line 277 and 278:


Adjust this width and height as necessary. Not the prettiest way, but it will work. If you ever update Problog, this change will most likely be overwritten, so keep that in mind.

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