Individual blog posts not using content/templates/blog_posts

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I'm using Pro Blog on a client's site and when an entry is viewed as it's separate instance it is not being shown with the "blog__post" template by default, the user is forced to edit the page and select the custom template "Blog Post" for it to show up properly.

I tried to copy view.php and view.css from packages/problog/blocks/content/templates/blog_post/ into blocks/content/ and it worked for the blog post page type but it also affected every other block on the site.

Is there something else that needs to be done?

Unfortunately I am not marked as a team member on the site so I couldn't use the support channel directly.

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
should only be one underscore - blog_post. not two.

I would really need to see a support ticket and environment info from your C5 instal to comment more on this.

spooker replied on at Permalink Reply
Ended up digging into it, tracked the code through to setCustomTemplate() in tools/post_blog.php but even though I can verify that the line is executing it doesn't seem to take effect.

In the end I went with the other workaround and modified the page_type/pb_post.php adding the setCustomTemplate() call to the Area instead. This has fixed the problem. Will try and figure out more if I have more time.

Communication with my client was too hard to try and get him to connect the license with my account to give me access to the support ticket queue. And since the site isn't hooked to the community that pipe wasn't available either.

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