Instructions in documentation VS Tumble_two as example = confusion

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I'm confused, but inexperienced, so not surprising. Please bear with me. I can usually follow directions, but...

I tried looking at your Tumble_two theme as a reference (since you said it was created specifically for that purpose) to setup another theme for Pro Blog. That didn't help, so to the docs I went. In the docs it says
"copy the provided pb_post page type into your root->page_types folder(create one if you don't have one). "

So in my theme create a page_types folder? I've never seen that, not even in Tumble_two. It and other themes already set up for Pro Blog have it in the root with all the other page type files. Further confusion after I looked at the pb_post file provided with the Pro Blog add_on and compared it the the same file in in Tumble_two. Well they're almost the same, but the one from the PB add-on has some extra code at the top...

$html = Loader::helper('html');
$this->addHeaderItem($html->css('page_types/pb_post.css', 'problog'));
$blog_settings = blogify::getBlogSettings();

where Tumble_two only has

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));

So I haven't gotten any further. Any guidance is appreciated.

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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
There is no documentation for creating PB based themes other than taking that example theme and structuring things like that, and then learning how to activate those in the theme install controller.

so the process for you would be:

- create your C5 theme exactly like you normally would.
- copy the pb_post page_type from ProBlog into your theme folder, and add in the include header/footer code just like all your other theme views.
- create a /blocks folder in your theme, and add custom templates to match your theme for the content, problog_list, and guestbook blocks.
- study the tumble theme installer to learn how to activate those views & theme on install.
- copy the tumble's /elements folder for the pre-installer form.

all done.

OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you elaborate on
"- create a /blocks folder in your theme, and add custom templates to match your theme for the content, problog_list, and guestbook blocks."
To create these templates to "match my theme" should I start with a view.php file from my theme and copy it there? Or should I start with the ones in the tumble theme?

As far as "study the tumble theme installer to learn how to activate those views & theme on install", can you elaborate? Do you mean study the code, or just install it and observe the behavior during installation (which I did and get what I want, now it's just how to duplicate that in another theme)?
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
follow the above mentioned directions.

If this is not doable for you, then this task may be a bit beyond what your ability.

If the theme is just for you and not distribution, you can more simply just step #2 in my directions above in your theme and call it good.

I was trying to explain how to make an installer and a deliverable theme styled for ProBlog such as TumbleTwo is. But it's sounding like that's just not within your reach.

Sorry for the confusion.


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