Is there a Post to Facebook feature or add-on

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Just wondering, is there a feature (or another add-on you know of) that would post a status to Facebook each time you write a new blog entry (like the "WordBooker" plugin for Wordpress)? I saw the functionality for Twitter, so it seems a natural....

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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Owen,

Not at this time. The biggest issue I have with this is I'm not sure what API to integrate. Notes? Pages? Status?

In the particular case of Facebook it's a rabbit trail that needs careful consideration.

The other thing is that you can connect your twitter account directly to facebook and have your blog posted to both just as easily.

OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
The "WordBooker" plugin (for Wordpress) does it to Status. That would be the one if it were for one only. I suppose a much more ambitious add-on might have the choice, but just the status update would be a popular one, no doubt about it!

I'm not sure I'm following the second part of your suggestion. I know there's the Tweeter add-on

but that only tweets that a page was added, not any of the actual content. Are you saying Pro Blog (or ?) has the ability to do this to Twitter, and then... ???
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
you can connect your twitter feed to facebook. through your twitter account. which then posts to your facebook page.

see our FB page here:

most of those posts are from Twiiter to Facebook. So you should be able to post via problog to twitter, and set twitter up to post accordingly to Facebook.

You can also easily post to FB by just going to the post and clicking on the social sharing FB link.

Direct to facebook posting is not something we can just "toss" in. So, regardless, it would be a good deal of time even if we were working on implementing at this moment. which we are not.

So you will want to explore various ways. I personally think just hooking twitter to your FB page is suffice.


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