Mobile App

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Hey Chad,

I Just downloaded your app to try with one of our websites as I want to suggest it as an option to a client of ours. They want to be able to post a blog while out at a baseball game or something similar. I ran in to 2 items that make it kinda hard to suggest and I'm wondering if you have any thoughts or ideas to help this out.

1. When writing in the body text area, they aren't going to know html to write in P tags and H tags. Is there any way to make this easier or obvious?

2. There will be multiple authors for different categories, but I'm not seeing a category select, am I missing it, or is that not possible?

Thanks for your time,

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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dave,

I'd like to make the mobile app a lot better. But have not had the support needed to justify the costs.

on my list of things to improve are:

- add category option
- add a js WYSIWYG editor that is mobile compatible.

I've been digging and can't seem to find a solid mobile wysiwyg editor. if you know of one I'd appreciate a pointer.

If I can find a good editor, I can implement both of these.

another option to look at is the email blog post addon? I'm told it works with ProBlog, but I can't imagine it would handle images?

How badly does your client want that?

afixia replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Chad,

Thanks for the reply. I talked so some app developers I know and they said that YUI works for mobile apps, though they had to think about it for a minute, so I don't know how well it works.

I do know that this client is willing to go through a hellish C5 upgrade to do this as the original web development company that set this website up changed a lot files in the concrete folder and I'm going to have to break half the site and rebuild it to upgrade it.
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply

well, just know it's on my radar, and I have been trying different things. but a good wysiwyg that is mostly HTML/css/JS that is cross-media compatible is key. I'll keep looking.

I actually wanted to create a native web app with local storage that can serve as a desktop app and a mobile app focused more on "publishing".

The PB mobile app is really targeted more towards an "instagram" kinda vibe. take a shot, upload to your blog with a short micro-blog comment.

But I do agree...some more robust capability would go a long ways towards the WP converts.

afixia replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for your time today. Here is a link to YUI's post about using their WYSIWYG editor on mobile devices. I haven't really read too much through it, but it was suggested to me:

If you plan on doing this or have any other solid updates you are planning to roll out for it in the next month or two I can tell the client that might work for them as they are a school and wouldn't need this probably until late August. If it's a "maybe" type deal, I will probably bid to develop a mobile blogging interface myself on mobile html...not app - no pictures :(
afixia replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Chad,

Here is a chart for browsers and apparently their capability to use a wysiwyg editor. Unfortunately, you need to have the latest version of iOS and Android to get an editor to work. BLEH!

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