New posts don't seem to show up on the page I designated.

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I've selected the page in my site that I'd like the blog (as well as entries) to be on, however when I create a new post, it seems to make another separate page for each post, instead of adding the post in with the rest. Any advice?


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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
sure. A blog post is in fact a new "page" that is organized in your site under a section/page that has the custom attribute "blog_section" designated. thus allowing you to post "under" that page. On that same parent/section page, you would use the "blog_list" block to show a list of posts underneath it. (or anywhere on the site by other filter types such as category or page_type). You can decide to not "truncate" the content, for the effect of continuous entries that you see on some blogs.

lisaedelman1980 replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome. I do see that now, thanks!

Another question, if I may - this particular blog (for a certain project) is nested under my own site. If someone clicks on a post, which is another page, I suppose I'd need to add a content link to get them back to the blog/my homepage, correct? Or is there a way to have it automatically generate a "home" link to click on, taking the reader back to the main page? Does that make sense?
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
you can show your home link in the main nav or what I do is have the site logo go to home. studies have shown people are used to doing that.

But the posts do have a next/prev link to go to the prev or next article. just and fyi

lisaedelman1980 replied on at Permalink Reply

Under the NUMBER AND PAGE TYPES option, where it says "Display ____ pages of type (dropdown menu), what does one put? I'm guessing since the pafe type is Pb Post, I put that for the dropdown, but for "Display ____ pages" what should one put?

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