Translating Pro Blog - Date

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This Addon is really great.
I'm almost done translating it into German.

So far, only the view.php is left, which contains no t-wrappers.

I read that there gonna be improvements for
internationalization in the upcoming version of concrete5.

My question is, what's best practice for now to get the date to show up in German? Like Montag instead of monday in the blog list.

Cheers Mike

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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
I will make an effort to go through the view.php's and change everything over to t-vars that I can.

as far as the date goes, you can set this in your app.php file in your concrete/config folder. ProBlog uses the 'DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDYT_FULL' var.

expect an upload with more t-vars soon.

michaelfm replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want I will provide the German for your next version. For my current project I changed the uncovered passages in the code - weren't that many.

Thanks for your quick info.
I accomplished to set the format of the time/date output by adding
define('DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDYT_FULL', 'j. F, Y \u\m G:i');
to my site.php. That works just fine.

Also interesting would be how to change the language of the output day and month names. Currently they are displayed in English.

I know that its more a general concrete5 topic.
For now I only gonna output the date leaving out month names and gonna wait for the improvements with the next version of concrete5.

Or is there a simple line I could add to accomplish the same as:
setlocale (LC_TIME, 'de_DE');
affecting 'DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDYT_FULL' in concrete5.
michaelfm replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay did some research. As far as I found out, for now I would have to rewrite each addon where I want the German textural representation for the date.
That 'simple line' will probably come with a future version of concrete.

Looking forward to it:)
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
well...I believe that's just the php date function. And if I'm not mistaken, you can have your PhP actually output German from the php date function. if you google "php date german" there are several forums posts on this.


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