Why are SideBar and Main Areas Doubled on ProBlog Page Type?

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I've had this issue on several of my sites...
After installing ProBlog - the ProBlog Page type has two sidebar areas and two main areas... Why is this? If the package requires either a right_sidebar or left_sidebar page type why are those areas included in the problog view.php?

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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
This is a great question. Im going to change the way that works and strictly work with the "wrapper" method and page type. So a view.php theme file will be all that is required.
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
actually, I think what's happening on this is your view.php has the sidebar in it, and then the pb_post has one as well.

Your view.php should be full width with no sidebars. you would have the same issue with the C5 discussions addon. The view.php is intended to "wrap" around a layout. So it should simply have header, print innercontent, footer. that's it.


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