Recaptcha v2

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I had someone update the recaptcha code to use v2. I didn't want to publish a release on my own because it is not my original code and I do not have time to maintain the code; I just hope it works and wont need editing.

I have tested it with the default C5 form,, ProForms and Register User Pro and everything seems to work well, you can see it here for maybe about another month:

Please test and let me know if anything is broken. Michele Locati, feel free to publish this if you find it is up to par. Thanks!

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Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
It seems a good work, well done!

Feel free to steal the code of this add-on and use it at your wish... Me too I don't have any spare time ;)
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you tell me if there is a reason this solution would not work today?

I downloaded your attachment and installed it, first uninstalling the old one, and I don't see a difference. It still brings up the ver 1 of the reCaptcha.

Any ideas for me, other than getting my client to just let me bring him onto the ver. 8 platform of Concrete5. ;-)
furehead replied on at Permalink Reply
For me the v2-version attached in the original post above works with current without problems.

Did you register and use the recaptcha v2 Keys at ?
Did you set the new credentials in the recaptcha app settings?
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your response. Yes, it works fine. I eventually discovered that the add-on, Extended Form, that I was using had it's own embedded reCAPTCHA code using v1, so it was not using the updated reCAPTCHA addon. If fooled me for a bit. After replacing it with the core's form block it worked perfectly. The one thing left that is throwing me is how to change the text that displays above the captcha that says "Please type the letters and numbers shown in the image." which obviously no longer applies. I have found it embedded in a couple of different captcha.php files and changed it, but they must not be the right ones because it doesn't change anything in my page. If you have any clues for me there I'd love to hear them.
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
UPDATE: I found the location for the text I needed to change. It was in the package folder for recaptcha at /packages/recaptcha/models/system/captcha/types/recaptcha/controller.php

I copied it to /blocks/recaptcha/models/system/captcha/types/recaptcha/controller.php and edited the text to my preference.

I should have easily guessed this earlier but sometimes I get tunnel vision following other suggestions instead of thinking for myself. :-)
APBCadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! I am using extended form as well, and this helped me resolve the expired v1 issue. v2 now working great.

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