Advertising with Social Feed in a Responsive theme?

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I'm looking for the best way to do this...

I'm using a responsive theme. I'm currently using a right-sidebar page type, where I have the Social Feed as a wall in the main area and navigation and advertisements in the right sidebar.

My problem is that on small screens (mobile devices), the tight-sidebar content gets moved to the bottom after the Social Feed. Since the Social Feed has so much content, they may never see the advertising.

What's the best way to advertise when using the Social Feed on a responsive site?

Would anyone else be interested in proposing the following feature addition to Social Feed?

* Idea 1 -- Setting to insert an advertisement in place of one of the wall tiles
* after every n tiles in the feed display? (I'd want this!)
* between each different feed source if sorted by feeds?
* after ever n days in the feed display?
* Don't build in ad management... Let them use an ad manager or adsense or whatever to do that. Just provide a place to configure the ad code for each Social Feed.

* Idea 2 -- Same as above, but make advertisement tile full-width no matter what the width of the container. Good for banner-format ads, and works to "break up" the lengthy feed.


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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myactivechild replied on at Permalink Reply
Would also be incredibly interested in this feature.

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