How to set height & width of the popup?

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How do I control the height and width of the popup. Does it take it from the Stack? Or do I need to make a custom template? If so, have you got an example or any pointers?


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glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
Height/Width are controlled by CSS styles that are in the bootstrap.min.css file.
Look for .stack-modal .modal on line 27 this file is loaded in the modal's controller.

Adjust the width to your new value and then offset it with negative margin on the left. If you adjust height, offset with negative margin on the top. Default width is 560px and default margin is -250px 0 0 -280px. So if you increase the width, adjust the margin to your liking.

You can override the default by using a custom template. Add a class to the "stack-modal" div such as "myWidth" and then include the following in your view.css

.myWidth.stack-modal .modal {
 width: 600px;
 margin: -250px 0 0 300px;

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