Multiple shipping agents

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ZBS does not connect to any shipping agent's (UPS, Fedex etc.) own shipping & tracking interface.

Once configured, for any particular location and cart contents at checkout, ZBS will give a price for each Delivery Option.

What you do is configure the various rules within ZBS so that you have the right price in each case. It may be that you prefer to do some shipping with UPS and other shipping with FedEx and other with the Postal Service.

So you set up ZBS rules with the appropriate info to simply give a cost for any specific situation and (if you want) add a message such as "Delivery to Scotland by UPS", "Delivery to Russia by FedEx" etc.

Type: Discussion
Status: Archived
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JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Vewsion 1.6 of ZBS introduces Delivery Options, so you can configure for any number of customer delivery choices through the zone cost rules. For example, standard delivery, overnight delivery, airmail, freight, standard with gift wrapping....

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