Home Page Slider: sort images and speed

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can you please tell me two things: How can I adjust the time each image is shown on the home page slider?
I would like them to change just a tick faster.

Second question: The images are sorted by date added? Oldest first?
Would it be possible to change this to newest first?

Thanks a lot for this awesome theme and for your support! I very much appreciate this - as most of the developers have abandoned their 5.6 things by now ...

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, and thanks for your patience.

To answer your questions:

1) The slider is based on FlexSlider. You can find all available options (in step 4) at:https://woocommerce.com/flexslider/...

The Flex slider is initiated in the theme in this file:
after this line:

I believe the setting you want to change is "slideshowSpeed" (the smaller the number the faster - eg. try 1000 for 1 second).

As for image ordering, depending on the version of C5.6.x you're using, file set ordering support was added in a later version of 5.6.x. If C5 supports it, then the theme should respect that. If your site doesn't for some reason, please let me know.


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