Drop Down Navigation not working

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Hello I just got this theme. I went to the custom template option and selected heydesigner drop down, but it does not change to a drop down menu. The other thing that I noticed is that when I changed back to my old theme, I see a double navigation menu in the block. I hope to find a solution soon as my old theme is causing many responsive problems.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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weetheme replied on at Permalink Reply
can you give me an url to see it?
weetheme replied on at Permalink Reply
there are 2 navigations in the Heydesigner nav dropdown custom template, cause one for the desktop view and the other for mobile view. if you change back the degault custom template in other theme it will be just one.

It will not work with other themes.

I see there are a lot of add-ons in your enviroment datas, so maybe some other add-on has a javascript or css what make a conflict and that's why it's not work, but I need to see the page cause I can't say much if i'm not see the code.

Thank You,

w2f replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you for the reply. It is a member site so i have created an account for you to view the problem first hand. I will send you private message you with details. thank you very much for your help.
w2f replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, while on ipad, the side bar looking Navigation does not display the child pages. I will try un-installing the old theme tonight and hope it works. i'll let you know. thanks again.
weetheme replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
ok i see, please put the autonav block to the Sitewide Header Nav area (attached image), and it will work, it will not work with other themes, and in other area, it's for the main menu.

Please look the instructions at the documentation:

Thank You.

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