Background & Nav

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Hello! Heed help with three things I'm trying to do with Hi-Vis:

- I'd like to change to color of the Navigation bar highlight from yellow to red, but can't find where to do that.

- I'd like to make the bkg less dark. Is there a way to customize how bright the bkg image is?

- I'd like to have the content start lower on the page because I want the top of the Bkg image to not be covered up. But, can't seem to drag the blocks lower. Is there a way to do this?

- I'd like to center an image on the page, but it seems to only want to stay to the left.

Appreciate you're help!


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Status: Resolved
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1976Ltd replied on at Permalink Reply
- I'd like to change to color of the Navigation bar highlight from yellow to red, but can't find where to do that.

Go to Dashboard > Themes > Customize and choose a colour under 'Nav'. Then save.

- I'd like to make the bkg less dark. Is there a way to customize how bright the bkg image is?

Not in the admin but if you are comfortable with ftp you can change the line in app.css that looks like this:

.vegas-overlay {
background-size: cover !important;
opacity: 1 !important;

Use 0.5 opacity for 50% for example.

- I'd like to have the content start lower on the page because I want the top of the Bkg image to not be covered up. But, can't seem to drag the blocks lower. Is there a way to do this?

I'd recommend using the free spacer block:

- I'd like to center an image on the page, but it seems to only want to stay to the left.

If you are using an image block you can click on it, choose Design and select Alignment: Center. If you are adding it within a content block you can simply center align it with the same tool you'd center align text with (the alignment tools in the editor are to the right of the bold, italic and underline tools).
HeinoM replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much for the response! That helps very much.

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