Embolden menu text

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Still working on the site I bought this theme for. Can you tell me how I can make the text of the menu items more bold, the text breaks up on some tablet PC's.

Also, how to reduce the gap between the site logo, menu and other areas. The space gaps are considerable and i would like to tighten them up


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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1976Ltd replied on at Permalink Reply
In packages/theme_hi_vis/themes/hi_vis/app.css


#page .top-bar-section ul li a {
font-weight: normal;


#page .top-bar-section ul li a {
font-weight: 700;

and change:

#page header h1{ margin: 0.25em 0;

to whatever margin you want.

concrete5 Environment Information

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Content Around Image (1.23), Deluxe Image Gallery (1.6.6), Gallerific (1.2.3), Google Map (Premium) (2.1), Hi_Vis (1.0.8), Iframe (1.0), Smooth Scroller (1.4.6), Social Icons (1.2), VideoJS Player (1.0.2), Zoom Image (1.0.5).

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